Are you struggling to keep your students excited about online learning, and are looking for ways to increase student engagement online? Maybe you're fully remote. Or your school went virtual for a little while. Maybe you're even in person and..
Create a virtual fitness game in PE class? Sure, why not! I have a YouTube channel called Detroit PE where I post virtual fitness games I create every week. The goal of my channel is to get kids of all..
Google Meet Tag is something I've been trying to work out, not knowing how in the world I'd actually play. I had read about a teacher who sent her kids to break out rooms in Zoom to play, and if..
I've been virtual this whole school year, and I am extremely grateful for that. Honestly, I love virtual teaching. I feel like I connect better with certain kids, and I definitely feel like a better teacher, because I've taught so..
Virtual sub plans seems like an oxymoron, since it doesn't take too much effort to roll out of bed and go live with your students. But if you are a know it does NOT work like that. I don't..
Struggling to teach virtual physical education classes? Look no further than Detroit Physical Educations free no equipment virtual PE curriculum outline for grades 3-5. Also see: Virtual Curriculum Outline for K-2Virtual Curriculum Outline for Middle School I have taken the SHAPE..
Welcome back to the 20 days of summer school physical education series! If you are just joining this series, stop right now and check out Summer School Physical Education: Day 1. What Works and What Doesn't. The post above details..
Welcome back to the 20 days of summer school physical education series! If you are just joining this series, stop right now and check out Summer School Physical Education: Day 1. What Works and What Doesn't. The post above details..
Welcome back to the 20 days of summer school physical education series! If you are just joining this series, stop right now and check out Summer School Physical Education: Day 1. What Works and What Doesn't. The post above details..
Welcome back to the 20 days of summer school physical education series! If you are just joining this series, stop right now and check out Summer School Physical Education: Day 1. What Works and What Doesn't. The post above details..