Create a virtual fitness game in PE class? Sure, why not! I have a YouTube channel called Detroit PE where I post virtual fitness games I create every week. The goal of my channel is to get kids of all..
Health related fitness components are important for kids to learn at an early age. Understanding why exercise is important in elementary grades will help you live a healthier life as an adult. If you can see the importance of movement,..
Cross curricular content in every specials class is such a great way to help your students retain information they learn in the classroom. I have uploaded all elementary cross curricular warm up videos for your virtual physical education class to..
Struggling to teach virtual physical education classes? Look no further than Detroit Physical Educations free no equipment virtual PE curriculum outline for grades K-2. Also see: Curriculum Outline for Grades 3-5Curriculum Outline for Middle School In this K-2 virtual curriculum..
Lots of teachers are struggling to find a no equipment virtual curriculum for their middle school physical education classes right now. And if they find them, they usually cost money to access. So I went ahead and put together my..