New year, new me. You hear it every year. But how many of you actually commit to bettering your lives?

I’m not doubting you. But what date do you fall off the new year new me bandwagon and go back to your old bad habits?

Personally, I started my 2020 out building this blog. December 30, 2019 I committed to making this blog a resource tool for PE teachers, and others looking for weight loss and motivation to be the best versions of themselves they could be.

Come January 2020 I worked every single day at my posts and growing my audience. But of course I fell off mid summer, and didn’t even check on my blog once until October. I wasted 3 months that I could have spent building and growing.

So here we are…2021. And my motto this year is new year new me, but for real this time!

New Year New Me Goals

There wouldn’t be a DPE post without talking about your goals would there?

In order to improve on any aspect of your life, you need to know where you are going.

Weight loss? What’s your short term/long term goals?

Climb the business ladder? How? Where do you see yourself in 3 months? 5 months? Next year?

Strengthen your relationships with others? How do you want those relationships to look?

Your first step this year is to figure out what do you want to accomplish. Write down your goals an make a plan to achieve them.

A lot of the time people set unattainable goals in too short of a time period. Once they realize their progress isn’t happening fast enough and they won’t make their deadline, they quit. In order to become good at something, or accomplish anything, you have to feel successful.

I talk about this all the time with teaching PE. You can’t expect a first grader to make a legit layup if you have no modifications set in place. You’re going lower the rim, let them take a step or a few to travel, and you’ll probably be using a smaller ball. If that first grader doesn’t have the strength to make a layup without modifications, he will lose interest FAST. It’s not possible…so he quits.

This can lead to that student not wanting to play basketball ever again because it’s “too hard”. As the PE teacher, you will have objectives (goals) that student has to hit to make progress. You’ll start small…and before you know it you’re first grade student is in the NBA hanging out with LeBron James.

Everything in your life is the exact same way. You want to lose 40 pounds by your wedding next month? That just won’t happen. So by week two when you’re feeling defeated chances are you’re going to quit your healthy diet and exercise routine and say F it, and eat your weight in junk food.

Work at your attainable goals EVERY DAY. They say it’s not worth it if you don’t work hard to get it. This is so true. Stay consistent, and on days you feel like giving up…don’t.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s time to sit down and actually think about where you see your life going.

new year new me
Write down your goals.

For me personally, I plan on getting out a K-8 curriculum for my followers to purchase. On my white board hanging over my desk that is my #1 goal for 2021.

If I write next to that goal: have done by February 1st. I’m going to be extremely discouraged and probably give up, because it’s not possible. I pride myself on producing quality work, and if another PE teacher want’s to purchase it…it better be flawless. There will be a ton of work to put into my curriculum and that wont get done in 1 month.

The same goes for you as well. Make a game plan on how you want to get where you are going.

Start small, for a big end game pay off.

New Year, Better Me!

You don’t have to live by “new year, new me”, but everyone could benefit from personal growth. Why not strive to be the best version of yourself you can be.

I’m writing this post on January 1, 2021….telling you to BE BETTER THIS YEAR. And be even better the year after that.

I do not mean you aren’t good enough the way you are currently. That isn’t true. You’re just great. But you can grow and glow!

So get up and get going. Crush those new year new me goals be the kick ass person you strive to be.

Yearly Weight Loss Planner

For more resources to keep you accountable, grab my Yearly Weight Loss Planner here!


For more content by Detroit PE, check out my YouTube channel aimed towards keeping kids healthy and active through virtual games.

You may also follow my content through Detroit Physical Education Facebook. Add me, and get content directly to your news feed!

new year new me