Up next from Detroit PE is my timers and countdowns ranging from 1-45 minutes! I've made sure all timers and countdowns had upbeat poppy songs, to ensure whoever is listening is having a great time. While most timers do not..
What does teaching the whole child mean? The whole-child approach to teaching supports and nurtures all areas of children's development and learning from social-emotional, physical and cognitive skills. This can sometimes be challenging, especially when we get into a groove strictly teaching our content. I cannot..
Welcome back to the 20 days of summer school physical education series! If you are just joining this series, stop right now and check out Summer School Physical Education: Day 1. What Works and What Doesn't. The post above details..
Time: 27 seconds Repeat: 8x Equipment: none Target Area: adductor muscles and glutes Level of Difficulty: easy DETROIT PHYSICAL EDUCATION YOUTUBE AND FACEBOOK For more content by Detroit PE, check out my YouTube channel aimed towards keeping kids healthy and active through..