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Do You Have Shallow Body Image Goals? Find Out Why This Is NORMAL

Kim Kardashian Shallow Body Image Goals

What are your shallow body image goals? Do you want to be skinny? Do you want to look good in booty shorts? Do you want to look better naked?

What’s wrong with this? NOTHING!

With so much body empowerment going on, sometimes people might be shy to say what they actually want to accomplish. People tell you that your goals should be to “be healthy” and that’s the bottom line. So whatever comes along with being healthy is what you should aim for right?

But that shouldn’t take away from some of the fun stuff that comes along with being healthy.

Take a look at some of my shallow goals below.

Shallow Goal #1:

I want to be comfortable enough to go running in just a sports bra. I love my sports bras. They’re cute. The main reason I want to be able to run or workout in just a sports bra in public would mean I am confident in what my waist looks like.

Ok look at how cute these bras are? This could be me right?

I’m just not there yet. Can I workout in just a sports bra now? Could I run my usual mile route in one? Yeah, I definitely could.

Right now, I sleep in them once in a while, or when I get home from my runs, I’ll throw my shirt in the laundry and walk around in my sports bra for a bit. But that’s in the privacy of my own home.

It’s not a distorted body image issue. Just simply that my abs and weight loss goal hasn’t been achieved yet.

I don’t see anything wrong with this being a goal of anyone’s. Health is still a priority with the running, and eating healthy. But aesthetic counts too. You can’t dismiss this from any persons feelings.

Shallow Goal #2:

I want a bigger butt.

I want to fill out my yoga pants a little more. Honesty I think it’s fine just the way it is for my body type, but there is nothing wrong with wanting it bigger.

Anytime I tell this to people, their response is “it looks fine”!

Right…it looks fine…but I want it to look FIIIIIIINE 😉

Why is this goal shallow? Because it’s not the normal get healthy, get fit, improve my heart health, improve my overall health and fitness? Again it’s my aesthetic, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks of it.

Shallow Goal #3:

I want a thigh gap…but not because I think it looks great on the Instagram models. Here’s the exact reason why I want one:


I’ve owned the fact that I will never have one, because of my body type. My legs are muscular, and I have more of an athletic build. I’m perfectly happy with this!

But, I want to wear shorts. Without the annoyance of having to pull them down ever 5 steps.

So what’s actually wrong with having a thigh gap? Nothing. I’m never going to get it, but a girl can dream. It has no effect on my daily habits. I do my yoga. If it’s nice out I go for a run and I take my dog for a walk. And I eat.

Shallow Goal #4:

I want to be the hottest bride anyone has ever seen.

Since I just recently got engaged, looking good in my wedding dress is high on my to do list these days. Going about it the healthy way, I workout and I haven’t been overeating.

What I actually mean when I say I want to be the hottest bride means, I want my arms toned, my waist slim, and MY DOUBLE CHIN GONE. My wedding pictures need to look good, therefore I need to look good.

Is this shallow? Maybe, but it’s my goal and if I want to look good as a bride who is anyone to judge that?

Now am I going to be the best looking bride that’s ever lived? Uhh no. But to me looking good in my wedding dress is a must.

And again, who are you to judge that?

What are YoUr Shallow Body Image Goals?

I asked some of my friends what were their shallow body image goals. Turns out they all have them. Here is just a few of the things people I know want to accomplish:

Why Are These Goals Frowned Upon

Technically they’re not.

If you take my “I want to look good enough to workout in just my sports bra” goal, there’s a simple solution to it. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. But if someone asked me what are my fitness goals for 2020, my response wouldn’t be to workout without a shirt on. It would be to slim down, and build muscle to look toned.

What I am hopping for is to take the negative thought process out of these goals, and let people feel the way they want. Let them be proud to tell people, I want an ass that pops in my Lululemons.

As long as you are taking a healthy approach to achieving your “shallow body image goals”, you should be screaming your goals from the roof tops. Because they are yours!

Write them down, say them out loud and make them known…then achieve it!

Let’s Crush These NORMAL Goals

Everyone has goals, but not everyone is willing to reach them.

First step is to acknowledge what you want, then figure out your approach. In one of my previous posts, Daily Progress = BIG RESULTS, I talk about easy ways to reach specific goals you have. Use this article to figure out how to start, stay consistent, and finish strong.

Next if your goals are fitness related, check out my 15 minute workout videos to get your body moving, burning calories, building muscle and feeling great! Disclaimer: this tab is still in progress, but more to come soon!

You may also want to take up new ways of working out like my two favorites HIIT (high intensity interval training), or yoga if you haven’t tried either.

Lastly, it’s mostly about nutrition. As much as we don’t want to believe it because PIZZA IS TOO GOOD TO GIVE UP, your diet needs to be in check. Here is a link to my keto journey along with recipes and what to expect. I will say with 100% certainty that keto is not for everyone. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for others.

Still to come on Detroit Physical Education you will here from my good friend, nutrition and fitness coach Charli to help you with your dietary needs. So stay tuned!

Final Thoughts

Get that waist snatched, get rid of that double chin, and get to a point where you feel great in your booty shorts. These goals aren’t shallow. They’re REAL.

We’re real.

Our goals make us who we are, and as long as we keep striving to be the best versions of ourselves, who is anyone to tell us that our aesthetic goals are not worthy of being heard.

To kick up your workouts, check out Polar heart rate monitors for more accurate results. 

For more resources to keep yourself accountable, download my Yearly Weight Loss Planner now. Get 86 pages of meal trackers, weight trackers, short term and long term goal outlines, monthly measurement check ins and monthly reflection sections to adjust your goals.

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