Close the laptop, turn off your notifications for the million different communication apps for parents and let your laptop battery die. It’s time you enjoy your well deserved break teachers!
Winter break is here, and you’re worried about lesson planning for when you return, test scores, assessments and basically every little detail to ensure you’re prepared to return. And while I think that is fantastic and extremely admirable…don’t let it become your entire life.
Take a step back to enjoy your family. Your pets! Maybe you wanted to read a good book or two but you haven’t had the time.
Teachers Being Teachers
Without social media we probably would have no idea what other teachers are going through who aren’t in our districts. But with so many FB groups for us to share, collaborate and even vent, we are able to get a general consensus on how everyone handled the first leg of the back to school or virtual school pandemic.
This means that I have seen teachers absolutely stressed and overworked to the max. The hours put in, with no end in sight has to be one of the hardest pills to swallow.
Well here is your opportunity to STOP!
Put all of your work aside and rest.
Don’t get me wrong, your work should get done at some point. But it doesn’t need to be done right now. Most of us have about two weeks off, and we are right smack dab in the middle of week 1. I’ve been working on my YouTube channel Detroit PE, and yes I do create content for my students, but I do it at my leisure.
Goal Setting and Boundaries for Your Return to School
I have a list of things to do before I return to school January 4th.
- Create 10 cross curricular warm up videos
- Make 15 more volumes of my current virtual game series
- Figure out a new game series to make and put out on YouTube
- Add audio to lessons to help kids understand content
- Organize/lesson plan for January 4th – February 1st
I can tell you with all honesty that I won’t be touching my lesson plans until after Christmas. With 9 different classes to teach per day/4 days a week, that’s a lot of different content. But my mental health and wellbeing comes first.
My hopes for you is that you have a clear direction of what you need to do this break without stressing or over analyzing how much you have to do with no time to do it. So set goals for your return to school, but still remember to set clear boundaries so you can ENJOY YOUR BREAK TEACHERS!
Because instead of being stressed out, I’d much rather go for our Wednesday night drives with my husband and Goldendoodle Nico.
Or take Nico for a midday walk every day.
Also…I want to cook more! I love love love cooking, and on my “to cook” list is sushi and wild rice burgers. (Homemade Baked Sushi Roll Recipe in an Ice Cube Tray HERE!!)
And I want to bake! Check out what I made yesterday just because I COULD! There was no one demanding my attention. No one waiting for me to teach/plan/observe/meet or anything else that comes along with our jobs.
Guess what else I have been doing? Cleaning! I love a nice vacuumed rug and a clean living room and kitchen. To me this is enjoyable, and I’d much rather binge watch The Challenge and Are You The One on Netflix in my super clean living room, than be buried in “teacher work”.
Make a List and Check it Twice
In the holiday spirit…just like Santa does: make a list and check it twice. Or just once will probably be good enough.
Write down what you want to accomplish this break that does not relate to your job. Save that for another list.
Focus on YOU. Make YOU better, happier, smarter and more lively!
I’m giving you homework. As a teacher I think this is fair.
Write down FIVE things you want to accomplish this break that does not relate to your job. This goes for EVERYONE not just teachers.
Make them realistic too. And they can be as simple as “I want to sleep in until 12pm on Friday”. Because if that’s what you want to do, then that’s what you should do.
Get back to teaching in the New Year refreshed as your best self. Because if you can’t be your best, you can’t give your best. And that is a direct reflection on your job performance.
Slow down, and enjoy your life. YOLO 😉
While you enjoy your break teachers, be sure to check out Detroit PE on YouTube and subscribe to get PE related videos the second they go public. I have plenty of virtual games, instant activities, warm ups and brain breaks for your kids when you return to school.
Or, keep you own kids busy and physically active with these fun virtual games!
You may also follow my content through Detroit Physical Education Facebook. Add me, and get content directly to your news feed!