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Happy Holidays From My Family To Yours!

Happy Holidays

As the year starts to wrap up, I wanted to wish my followers and readers Happy Holidays no matter what you celebrate!

This year, my family united! I got engaged AND married! Also, I got to enjoy almost every second of the time spent at home with my new husband, my best buddy Nico and…my husbands cat. (I’m not a cat person, but I love her because my husband loves her 😂).

Luna (cat), Adam and Nico (goldendoodle)

I know not everyone had the kind of year we had. We were so fortunate to keep our jobs and able to stay home together while still giving our careers 100%.

But for those that have gone through tough times, my heart goes out to you. I remember going through college on my own without a dime to my name. I lived paycheck to paycheck with the multiple jobs I had at once and even that wasn’t enough to keep my head above water. So that fact that this desperation is happening to so many people and it’s out of their control really humbles me, and brings me back to a place I hope I never have to return to.

Just know that times will get better. Maybe not tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year. But keep on hustling, grinding and giving the world your best and I promise things will get easier. It took me YEARS, to get to the point I am at right now, and I’m still not where I want to be. We are all a work in progress. My advice is to try to enjoy the journey you’re on no matter what hardships lay in your way, and overcome them with pride and a genuine feeling of accomplishment.

In the year 2021, my wish for you all is to tackle all of your goals one at a time. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Make 2021 your best year on Earth yet. And if you were lucky enough to have a great 2020 despite everything we’ve all been through, than work a little harder to top that!
Happy Holidays!


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